You have started getting the signs of ageing. You want to delay your ageing process, feel more vibrant, boost your energy and look younger! The ageing cannot be stopped but can be delayed by few years. The things we do to ourselves are correctable and the hormonal levels can be modified. The top age repellents are as listed below:
Tea Breaks: Green tea has lots of antioxidants to detoxify your body, and reduce dark circles and wrinkles. The flavonoids have excellent antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic properties and enzyme altering activities. It has natural antibiotics that help in building immunity to keep minor ailments away.
Laugh Out Loud: Laugh loud and reduce a stress hormone, cortisol and enhance endorphin levels. Lack of stress equals fewer lines and wrinkles. Don’t forget to get your daily dose of laughter.
W for wrinkle and W for water: Get rid of your ugly wrinkles with the devil in your own kitchen. Water digests, absorbs and transports nutrients along with eliminating body wastes as well. Detoxify your skin and improve skin turgidity to keep wrinkles at bay.
Move your muscles: Strenuous muscle work like doing daily chores, carrying a bucket, hammering a nail and much more helps to keep muscle ailments at bay. Strengthen your core muscles with this simple step.
Go Citrus Shopping: Get more than an apple to keep the doctor away. Bite on sweet lime that is loaded with isoflavones that are known to reduce hot flashes in women and increase the bone mineral density. Keep your skin glowing with citrus fruits as they act as a sun blocker.
Sunscreen: The UV rays penetrate into the skin and damage elastic fibres allowing wrinkles to develop. Always wear sunscreen and cover face and hands which are most frequently exposed. Avoid sun rays when the rays are strongest. Don't have one? Buy your sunscreen lotion using voucher codes on Pouring Pounds.
All done! Prevent ageing with these tips and control how old you look.