Most of you must not have heard about it. Read on to know what it is and how important it is.
Why May 12th?
Florence Nightingale’s Birthday! She was born on May 12th and so this day was chosen for International Nurse Day by International Council of Nurses (ICN).
Who is Florence Nightingale?
She is the founder of modern nursing, though some people disagree. In 1999, UNISON petitioned the ICN to change the date as they felt Florence was not representative of modern nursing.
However, the date stuck.
Does the day celebrate all nurses?
The day celebrates all nurses across the world. Although there are separate days that celebrate nurses (8 May) and School Nurse Day (11th May this year).
How is it celebrated?
Every year ICN has a theme. This year’s theme is ‘Nurses: A force for change-Improving health systems’ resilience.’
An information kit is created and distributed to nurses and health institutes on this day, which provides valuable information to do their job in an ever-changing industry.
Are there any special events for it?
There is always a service at Westminster Abbey in honour of this day. In it, a lantern is symbolically passed from one nurse to the next. It represents the passing of knowledge between nurses until finally the Dean places it on the altar.
Why do nurses need a special day?
They make the largest group of health professionals. Their salary is half of a tube driver and yet they are very responsible for everything from giving your child their booster jabs to nursing your grandparents well through their final days and keeping you alive in the meantime.
The day acknowledges them from time to time.
What can I do for International Nurse Day?
Though the event is aimed at people within the industry, you can support them by posting on social media to raise awareness for them. Teach your pupils about them or donate to ICN charities.