Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Reduce Work Stress with These Proven Healthy Options

Your work is piled up and you feel as if life at office isn’t easy anymore. Excessive work could only bring more stress. You would have been in those situations when you feel you won’t be able to do it on time. Stop these negativities inside you. It’s not doom and gloom, though there are plenty of foods that are good to help you reduce stress. In the long run, these foods will help you relieve tension, stabilize blood sugar levels and better your emotional response. Reach for these foods whenever you feel stressed.
1. Green Tea-The Healthiest Beverage On The Planet
Image Source: Tea Majesty

Green Tea has L-theanine that reduces cortisol levels, a stress hormone in human body. Sip a cup of green tea between meals to have maximum benefits. Green tea has high amounts of antioxidants and phytochemicals that are well known to reduce stress levels.

2. Dark Chocolate-A Bite Will Reduce Your Stress

Image Source: Nuts(dot)com

Rich in flavonoids, chocolate is loved by everyone. Chocolate eaters are known to have lower stress hormone levels. With frequent consumption, the amount of stress hormones released in your body will be reduced. It changes the way not just how your body perceives stress, but also how it responds to stress. 

3. Chewing Gum- The Inexpensive Stress Buster

Chewing Gum is acceptable to chew anywhere. Slip a piece of this readily available gum in any circumstance. Let go of excess energy and tension through muscle contraction. Chewing gum stimulates our senses involving smell, taste and touch. Chew it for a minimum of 10 minutes. The next time when stress hits, chew a piece of sugar-free gum to help chill out.

4.Cashew Nuts-Carry Them Everywhere You Go

Omega-3 rich food, cashew nut is known to fight the negative effects of stress. Cashew nuts are a great source of Copper, Vitamin B and Magnesium. Save yourself from brain disturbances. You can carry them in your bag to the office. It’s no wonder that they help us relax and are so addicting to eat!

What a delicious way to take care of your brain and body, isn’t it? At times, healthy foods are better option than medicines. Know more about foods that help reduce Nicotine levels in body.